So, in my web dev/design years, I know I've had to always "learn" and grow with the technology as it changes literally everyday. I was hoping Facebook would keep something I grew very fond of - FBML. Alas, much like BASIC, we must move forward and develop according to the great mythical spaghetti code monster in the sky as FB has dropped FBML. Granted, as a big proponent of using open source standards, proprietary vs open source for me, open source always wins... except when I'm trying to be lazy because I have 20 million other things in my life and business I need to do and keep up with rather than learn something new... again.
I was happy with my static FBML apps. They were nice. Friendly. Easy going. Now, not only do I have to retrain myself, I have to shove the traffic over to my own (shared hosting) servers for them to bear the load... double meh. So, now, while pushing out of my cocoon of sadness I was perfectly happy to be miserable in, I take on a task that I hope will not only help myself, but to help others... because of my slight masochistic tendencies. This task, I originally thought would be easy, quick and relatively painless. Not so young Jedi! THANKFULLY Hyperarts Blog was kind enough to give us all a tutorial that is pure awesomesauce. Try it -you'll like it.
And btw - here is the FB page that I added the simple embedded iFramed YouTube video "app" to...
And yeah, I am the "City Producer" for the 48 Hour Film Project here in Cincinnati.
If perhaps you've been following my tribulations of dealing with FB development, you would have followed my heartbreak about a year and a half ago as I tried to do something that was not previously possible with the FBML API. I was, like many other people upset with a layout change that lumped all types of updates (including annoying Farmville etc apps) along with status updates, etc. So I wanted to develop a "feed filter" that would categorize your updates... I gave up when I couldn't access the data via the FBML API I needed to be able to - and low and behold what do I see?
Sure looks like my "feed filter" idea.... now I'm not screaming, "hey they stole my idea!" I'm actually glad someone in this interwebs universe actually heard my plea - whether literally or subconsciously - but geez. I'm really kinda gettin sick of this stuff. Really. It's hard to be an idea person that is 1+ years ahead. Hard enough being in a town that's 10 years behind the times, and most people scoffing at me and only one or two people actually having the foresight and appreciation of my ideals/ideas. But geez. Hasn't my heart been broken enough universe?
Know what I hate?
12 years ago
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